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Sam’s Soapbox

Sam’s Soapbox is intended for the reader to reflect on a variety of topics.
The underlying theme is active, participatory, responsible, reflective and thoughtfulness.
What DO you think?

Thy Will Be Done

I have a friend who’s struggling. She’s in so much pain and agony because things in her life just aren’t the way she wants them to be. I know that place; it’s frustrating and agonizing – agony really is the better adjective here. Like so many times in life, the answer is simple, but not easy. We’ve been gifted with choice – a.k.a. free will… to make choices. Why is it then, that when we use our free will to make choices, things don’t go the way we want them to?

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Life Just Isn’t Fair

How many times have you heard this lament, or expressed it yourself? This was one of the poor-me attitudes that I heard growing-up and adopted, blank-minded myself. “Why isn’t life fair!”, “Why does this stuff always seem to happen to me?”, “How come…… (fill in the blank)…… this never happens to other people!”, “How come they get all the good stuff!”, “Woe is me.” I really knew how to throw myself a whopper of a pity party.

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Whether you have inherited your point of view on this subject, or you have invested time pondering all of the relevant facts, ideologies and questions of the quality and sanctity of life (and I hope it’s the latter) you are (in my Universe at least) entitled to your viewpoint – on all subjects.

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Contact Sam

Primary Location:
Regina’s Connection
The Hudson Mill, 43 Broad St., Suite 407B,
Hudson, MA
Phone: 978-930-1854

Satellite offices and at-home visits are available at additional cost.